The Old Paths Network

Some web magazines among churches of Christ

A web magazine is different from an electronic magazine in that you must visit a web site to view or download the material. The publication is not sent to you by e-mail, although sometimes you can ask to be notified by e-mail when a new issue is posted.

The site often has the appearance of a regular printed periodical, and the content is changed on a regular basis, monthly for example. Usually former issues are archived and can also be viewed and downloaded when you visit the site.

Some web magazines exist only on the Internet. Others are complete or partial copies of printed periodicals.

"Test everything; hold fast what is good" (1 Thes 5:17 RSV)

The Christian Courier on the web
Contains articles from the printed edition dealing with solid doctrinal issues and current events.

The Carolina Messenger
The purpose of this monthly publication is to clearly teach the Word of God.

The Gospel Gazette Online
Contains solid Bible articles on a certain theme.

The Gospel Preceptor
'An Evangelistic Voice to Reach The Lost,' 6 to 8 short articles each month on such topics as the one church, the inspired word, terms of pardon and the sin of sectarianism.

Online Christian Chronicle
A broad spectrum of news articles about churches of Christ

Rocky Mountain Christian
Feature articles from the printed edition are posted each month

Webzine for the Christian Woman
Articles, poems, inspirational stories, and short Bible studies