Doyle and Barbara Kee
15 ch. des Laz
CH-1213 Switzerland

Biographical Information
TEL: +41 22 793 75 37
[Time zone is one hour later than GMT]
FAX: +41 22 793 82 01

Doyle and Barbara Kee went from the United States to Switzerland in 1970. At that time they had three children, Mark, David and Bonnie who were nine, six and three. Daniel was born in 1973.

Since then, Doyle has worked in and out of Geneva, which is situated in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. He is fluent in French and, in addition to preaching in Switzerland and France, has used his language ability in many evangelistic trips to French-speaking countries in Africa. He has also studied Koiné Greek and Spanish.

Through the years Doyle's work has had many facets. In addition to preaching, teaching and personal work, he has also been active in writing, publishing and evangelism via radio and TV. Doyle publishes a French-language web site at
