Kathryn L. Patton

Kathryn L Patton was born in Dallas, Texas on July 12, 1922. She received a BA degree in Bible and Secondary Education in 1947, and an MA in Clinical Psychology and Counseling in 1975, both from Abilene Christian University.

From 1948 until 1957 she served as a missionary in Frankfurt/M, Germany, teaching ladies' Bible classes and assisting Otis Gatewood as secretary.

For more than fifty years she has regularly taught Bible classes for children and girls (5th grade through high school), ladies classes and home Bible studies. She has also taught classes in prisons.

Her Master's thesis was on: "Personality Studies of Three Unwed Mothers from a Church-Related Maternity Home." She has spoken on this topic fifty-two times in five States and in Germany.

Kay L. Patton
633 E.N. 19th Street Apt. #314
Abilene, TX 79601-3258
Tel: (915) 677-0619